‘Blade Squadron’ on StarWars.com

August 25, 2015 at 4:28 am | Posted in Star Wars, Star Wars Insider | Leave a comment
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blade-squadron-3The short story Blade Squadron (part 1 of 2) is up right now on StarWars.com. Originally featured in Star Wars Insider, it’s now up where everyone can read it for free. Written by David J. Williams and Mark S. Williams and with illustrations by Chris Trevas, part two will be up next month followed by a third brand new story which will appear in Star Wars Insider #160. Click here to check out part one.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Janine Spendlove Joins Star Wars

July 8, 2015 at 4:28 pm | Posted in Books, News, Random House, Star Wars, Star Wars Books, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars News | Leave a comment
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janine-spendloveAuthor Janine Spendlove is coming to the galaxy far, far away as she’s set to write the tie-in short story for Alexander Freed’s Battlefront: Twilight Company. The short story will be appearing in Star Wars Insider #161 which will be out in October. I have heard Janine speak on a couple podcasts before and she’s a huge Star Wars fan, so I’m looking forward to see what she can do.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Star Wars Insider: Sneak Preview Art

June 25, 2015 at 12:29 pm | Posted in Star Wars Books, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars News | Leave a comment
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Kindred Spirits is an original short prequel story to the novel Dark Disciple featuring Asajj Ventress and Lassa Rhayme, and written by author Christie Golden.  Insider issue #159 will be on sale July 21st.

Dark DiscipleReported by Geralyn

Around the Web

May 16, 2014 at 12:01 am | Posted in Around the Web, Conventions, Events, Movies, News, Regular Feature, Star Wars, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars News, Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment
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Here is this week’s Around the Web news roundup of Star Wars and beyond.

Book News

  • Star Wars Books revealed a bit more on James Luceno‘s upcoming novel Tarkin.

We’re loving STAR WARS: TARKIN. The titular character makes for a phenomenal protagonist, and James Luceno beautifully amalgamates the classic trilogy incarnations of Vader and the Emperor with their prequel era counterparts: The Emperor exhibits the reptilian charm of Chancellor Palpatine, and while Vader feels like Vader, there are tangible shades of Anakin Skywalker as well. He adds dimensions to these three characters while remaining faithful to their core, a hard balance to achieve. Alex Freed also submitted the manuscript for a new short story for Star Wars Insider and it’s boffo. Details will be forthcoming, but what we can tell you now is that it’s a refreshing yet gritty take on the destruction of Alderaan.

  • Author Tony DiTerlizzi talked with Hero Complex about his new children’s book The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight coming out in October. It’s a brief interview but interesting as Tony talks about the challenge of using Ralph McQuarrie’s paintings as the illustrations for the book and integrating those into the story as the pictures don’t always match what happened.

Continue Reading Around the Web…

Around the Web

April 25, 2014 at 12:00 am | Posted in Around the Web, Books, Comic Books, Conventions, Dark Horse, Episode VII, Events, Fantasy, Movies, News, Regular Feature, Sci-Fi, Star Wars, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars News, Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment

Here is this week’s Around the Web news roundup of Star Wars and beyond.

Book News

  • Jason Fry‘s next book is up for pre-order on Amazon, The Jupiter Pirates: Curse of the Iris.
  • Jedi News spotted a new book for Star Wars collectors called The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, 1977-1985.
  • Martha Wells‘ story “Rites of Passage” is now available online for free on her site.

Comic News

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“Blade Squadron” Coming in April

March 13, 2014 at 8:35 am | Posted in Books, Star Wars Books, Star Wars Insider | Leave a comment
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Del Rey has announced a new two part story coming to Star Wars Insider.


We’re thrilled to announce that David J. Williams and Mark S. Williams, authors of the short story, “Maze Run” (that appeared in Star Wars Insider Magazine 131) are penning a new two-part series for Star Wars Insider Magazine. Inspired by the accompanying artwork, created for Return of the Jedi depicting a battle that was never seen in the film, “Blade Squadron” chronicles the story of an elite squad of rebel B-wing pilots on a suicide mission during the Battle of Endor. The events of the tale were written as if they were deleted scenes from the original film, and are rife with knuckle-whitening action and compelling new characters, while the inimitable Chris Trevas will be providing all-new art for the tale. Here’s a little taste of what’s to come:

“How was this possible? How had the mightiest space force ever assembled been bested by a bunch of misfits, rejects, and malcontents?”

“Blade Squadron” Part 1 will debut in Star Wars Insider #149, which goes on-sale April 22.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Inside Star Wars Insider 147

January 27, 2014 at 7:00 am | Posted in Interview, Star Wars, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment
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Star Wars Insider 147 has already hit subscriber’s mailboxes. Here’s a look inside this month’s issue.

  • Star Wars Rebels “Frontline Update” provides some cool info on the progress of the show. Half of the scripts for season one are done, five episodes have been voice recorded, three episodes have been storyboarded, two episodes are being animated…and via Twitter, we know the animation for the first episode is now done…and the show has a theme already composed.
  • “50 Greatest Reasons to Love the Star Wars Prequels” is a cool article showcasing Star Wars fans across the board, from Star Wars: The Clone Wars voice actors to authors and actors all weighing in on why they love the prequels.
  • Jedi News’ Mark Newbold has an interview with Gerald Home, the actor who portrayed Tessek and a Mon Calamari officer in Return of the Jedi. It covers Gerald’s first experience with Star Wars, his favorite scene, action figure and more. Continue Reading Inside Star Wars Insider 147…

Inside ‘Star Wars Insider 146’

December 5, 2013 at 2:28 pm | Posted in Star Wars, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment
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Star Wars Insider 146 is out for subscribers and will be hitting newsstands on December 10th.

  • Star Wars Rebels update from Athena Portillo, the line producer on the show. She mentioned that Rebels is still in the early stages of production for season one, but they’ve begun animating their first script.
  • Star Wars author Jason Fry has article on the appeal of Boba Fett covering his first appearances to the development of his backstory in the Expanded Universe.
  • Star Wars author Aaron Allston pops in for some quick questions.
  • There’s part 2 of the conversation between George Lucas, Alan Dean Foster and Charles Lippincott in their preparatory discussion for Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. They talk about spirit monsters, killing Vader, and using Han in the second sequel novel.
  • Rogues Gallery covers the who’s who of the pilots in the Hoth Rebel Base.
  • There’s an interview with Star Wars Rebels executive producer Greg Weisman who talks about his preparation and inspiration for the show, and the importance of strong female characters. He notes that there will be two female leads in Star Wars Rebels.
  • Continue Reading Inside ‘Star Wars Insider 146’…

‘Maul: Lockdown’ Micro Excerpt #1

November 17, 2013 at 8:18 pm | Posted in Books, Star Wars, Star Wars Books, Star Wars Insider | Leave a comment
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Del Rey has posted the first micro excerpt for Maul: Lockdown by Joe Schreiber.

Maul stared at the thing. The gray slope of its face was a surgeon’s nightmare of ritualistic scars, metal rings and studs, wire loops, and hooks, with bluish sacks pulsating beneath its eyes, all of it siphoning down and inward toward a gaping, razor-toothed mouth. Even its arms seemed to have been plucked from two different organisms. The right hand was a blunt-knuckled fist, the left an elongated spider-fingered claw. Together they formed a mallet and blade, one made for pounding, the other for slashing. It was the right that had come careening out of nowhere just seconds before, slamming Maul backward and knocking out one of his teeth.

The thing reached down and picked up Maul’s incisor from the floor of the cell. Straightening up, it shoved the tooth into an empty space in its own mouth, twisting it until it lodged in place. Then it grinned at Maul as if asking how he liked the sight of one of his teeth in its mouth—another trophy for its collection.

Maul gazed back at it.
And then the rage came.

And the rage was good.

Maul: Lockdown will be out on January 28, 2014 in hardcover, digital and audiobook formats. Fans can look forward to a prequel short story for the book in Star Wars Insider which will be titled “The Syrox Redemption.” According to Star Wars Books, “it sets the stage for one of the big bad evils in Lockdown.” The short story will feature illustrations by John Van Fleet.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Inside ‘Star Wars Insider #145’

October 18, 2013 at 10:47 am | Posted in Star Wars, Star Wars Insider | Leave a comment
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Star Wars Insider #145 sports Vader on the cover because inside is a serious treat: ten Star Wars authors and artists tackling the character and weighing in on whether he’s a villain or a victim. Also inside is new fiction by Jen Heddle, a cool dialog between George Lucas and Alan Dean Foster discussing Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, a look at The Lando Calrissian Adventures, and much more.

For me, the highlight of this issue was the “Darth Vader: Victim or Villain” article. To answer the question, they brought in Timothy Zahn, Aaron Allston, John Jackson Miller, Christie Golden, Michael Reaves, Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff, Doug Wheatley, Kevin Hearne, Ryder Windham and Joe Schreiber (though it’s worth noting that Jason Fry also weighs in on the subject). The experts were asked “Is Darth Vader really a bad guy or a victim of tragic circumstance?”, “Who is really to blame for the tragedy of Darth Vader? Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi, or Palpatine?”, and “Can he truly be redeemed give the atrocities committed: The murder of the younglings, the destruction of Alderaan, torturing Leia, the purge, and his other murderous acts?” The answers are surprising, well thought out and very insightful. The wide array of authors (plus artist) gives a wide variety of answers. All in all, this was a very cool article and I’d love to see more like this in future issues of Insider. Continue Reading Inside ‘Star Wars Insider #145’…

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