Threepio Confirmation for Episode VII?

February 4, 2014 at 12:31 pm | Posted in Episode VII, Miscellaneous, Movies, Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars | Leave a comment
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French ThreepioBeing a xenophobic, insular Amercan (mostly because I’m a fail at foreign languages) who’s too lazy to google translate, I have no idea what this magazine cover is all about.  Well, other than Threepio is on it holding a great big number seven.  Which would seem to be a clue that maybe he’s in the new movie?  I’ve pretty much assumed he would be, however we all know how JJ Abrams likes to play things close to the vest coughJohnHarrisoncough.  But come on, revealing Threepio is a deal breaker on the plot?  Also, why is he not gold?

Source: Jedi News

Posted by Geralyn for Roqoo Depot

Book Review: ‘Inferno’ by Dan Brown

February 4, 2014 at 12:01 am | Posted in Books, Reviews | Leave a comment
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Dan Brown’s Inferno stayed on the New York Times Best Seller list for hardcover fiction and combined print and E-book fiction for it’s first eleven weeks, and for good reason. Once again taking up his famous art historian Robert Langdon, Inferno takes him on an adventure in Florence, Italy in a tale that revolves around Dante’s The Divine Comedy. There’s mystery, suspense, surprises, action, and of course plenty of art and history. Click here to check out our full review.

Reviewed By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Happy Birthday, Paul Davids

February 4, 2014 at 12:00 am | Posted in Birthday | Leave a comment

Today we wish a happy birthday to one of the most overlooked authors of the Expanded Universe, Paul Davids. Paul was the co-author for the Jedi Prince series, which he wrote with his wife, Hollace. From June 1992 to April 1993, their young reader books filled the shelves. In total, they wrote six books for the series: The Glove of Darth VaderThe Lost City of the JediZorba the Hutt’s RevengeMission from Mount YodaQueen of the Empire, and Prophets of the Dark Side. Unlike most Star Wars books, the Jedi Prince series contained illustrations, and considering the content of the books, some of them are rather comical and shocking. From three eyed mutants, ear ring adorned moffs, bearded hutts and even detailed illustrations of sci-fi whales being skinned for their meat. They’re very entertaining reads, all of them set in the five year period after Return of the Jedi.

If you’d like to find out more about Paul Davids, you can check out his official website. His career has expanded a lot from just being a writer, including television and movie work, paintings and much more.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

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