First Look at Rebels Jedi Kanan

February 11, 2014 at 5:01 pm | Posted in Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment
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Rebels KananVoiced by Freddie Prinze Jr, Kanan is, as described by Dave Filoni, a cowboy Jedi.  As Prinze relates, Kanan has been massively affected by Order 66 and the attempted extinction of the Jedi culture during his formative years.

“He definitely has seen more than what a young man should see. And what he had to see was pretty much the worst thing you would have to witness.”

Prinze is also pretty stoked about portraying a Jedi and says that for people around his age “…Star Wars is in our DNA.”

You can find the entire article on USA Today.

Source: Coffee With Kenobi

Reported by Geralyn for Roqoo Depot

Star Wars Makes Fashion Week

February 11, 2014 at 1:10 pm | Posted in Star Wars | Leave a comment
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Star Wars RodarteGotta admit it, I squeed incoherently when I found these images of Rodarte’s show-closing Star Wars gowns.  Now that is Star Wars fashion.  Rodarte is the creation of the Kate and Laura Mulleavy, sisters and UC Berkeley grads.

Source: Jezebel

Posted by Geralyn for Roqoo Depot

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