‘Star Wars Rebels’ Roundup

February 20, 2014 at 6:04 pm | Posted in Star Wars, Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment

There’s been a lot of Star Wars Rebels news lately, and quite a few videos. So for your ease and enjoyment, here’s a roundup of all the recent videos.

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Podcasts in Review

February 20, 2014 at 12:00 am | Posted in Podcasts, Podcasts in Review, Regular Feature, Reviews, Star Wars | 1 Comment
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Here is this week’s Podcasts in Review.

Assembly of Geeks: “The Fangirls Take Over” Episode replaces Admiral 80’s with Teresa Delgado as they talk Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Marvel movies, The Big Bang Theory and more. Lots of fun discussion and great addition to your playlist.

Full of Sith: Episode L covers the little moments of Star Wars as Mike, Bryan and Bobbie talk about the small things that really impact them when they watch the films. From the Ewok warrior crying over his fallen comrade to Luke staring off at the twin sunsets, they cover moments from all of the films.

Episode LI is a Valentine’s themed episode as Mike, Bryan, Bobbie and special guest Amy Ratcliffe discuss who their Star Wars Valentine would be and some of the ways they’ve shared Star Wars with others. Definitely some fun and funny discussions in this one.

Geek Out Loud: Episode 82 features a really nice interview with James Arnold Taylor. Steve Glosson breaks away from typical JAT interviews by pretty much avoiding Star Wars completely and focusing on James’ other work, including his new book JAT 365. If you’re a James Arnold Taylor fan, you’ll want to give this one a listen. The interview starts around 1:09:00. Afterwards, Steve and James do bad impressions theater which is kind of fun. They do the Death Star meeting scene but with Doc Brown, Bane, Fred Flintstone and Bod Dylan. Continue Reading Podcasts in Review…

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