‘Honor Among Thieves’ Roundup

March 7, 2014 at 12:03 am | Posted in Books, Interview, Random House, Reviews, Star Wars, Star Wars Books | Leave a comment
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With the release of Honor Among Thieves by James S.A. Corey this week, there’s been a lot of reviews and interviews. Below you’ll find a nice roundup to dive into.




You can also check out one of the images by Joe Corroney and Brian Miller for the short story “Scarlet and Silver” which features Scarlet Hark. The story appears in the latest issue of Star Wars Insider as well as the Honor Among Thieves novel.

If you haven’t picked up Honor Among Thieves yet, you can find all the retailer links for the hardcover, digital and audiobook version over on Random House’s official product page along with an excerpt of the book.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Around the Web

March 7, 2014 at 12:01 am | Posted in Around the Web, Books, Conventions, Episode VII, Events, Fantasy, Movies, News, Regular Feature, Rumor, Star Wars, Star Wars News, Steampunk | Leave a comment

Here is this week’s Around the Web news roundup of Star Wars and beyond.

Book News

  • The paperback edition of Paul S. Kemp‘s novel The Godborn is out this week, and if you’d like a signed copy, Paul can hook you up.
  • Author Jason Fry did an interview with Views From the Tesseract covering his latest novel The Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra.
  • Martha Wells also has a new book out this week, Emilie & the Sky World. She has a full list of retailers on her blog as well as an excerpt from the book.
  • If you’d like a signed copy of Troy Denning‘s upcoming book The Sentinel, you may be in luck.

“With the release of my Forgotten Realms novel, THE SENTINEL, less than a month away, I’ve been receiving a lot of requests for autographed copies. I’m pleased to announce that Janet Waller of the Roseville Barnes and Noble store has graciously agreed to handle mail-order requests. I’ll drive up and sign the books on the release date (April 1 — and no, that’s not a joke), and then she will send the books out.

To place your order, send Janet Waller an email at crm2614@BN.com . Please place your orders ASAP, as this will help her determine how many books to order. (Otherwise, there could be a wait while she restocks.) I believe she can mail to Canada as well as the U.S., but I’m not sure about other countries.” –Troy Denning

Continue Reading Around the Web…

The Clone Wars Season Six Hits Netflix Today

March 7, 2014 at 12:00 am | Posted in Star Wars, Television, The Clone Wars | Leave a comment

The long wait is over. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 6 hits Netflix today. Let the benging begin.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

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