Inside ‘Star Wars Insider 146’

December 5, 2013 at 2:28 pm | Posted in Star Wars, Star Wars Insider, Star Wars Rebels, Television | Leave a comment
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Star Wars Insider 146 is out for subscribers and will be hitting newsstands on December 10th.

  • Star Wars Rebels update from Athena Portillo, the line producer on the show. She mentioned that Rebels is still in the early stages of production for season one, but they’ve begun animating their first script.
  • Star Wars author Jason Fry has article on the appeal of Boba Fett covering his first appearances to the development of his backstory in the Expanded Universe.
  • Star Wars author Aaron Allston pops in for some quick questions.
  • There’s part 2 of the conversation between George Lucas, Alan Dean Foster and Charles Lippincott in their preparatory discussion for Splinter of the Mind’s Eye. They talk about spirit monsters, killing Vader, and using Han in the second sequel novel.
  • Rogues Gallery covers the who’s who of the pilots in the Hoth Rebel Base.
  • There’s an interview with Star Wars Rebels executive producer Greg Weisman who talks about his preparation and inspiration for the show, and the importance of strong female characters. He notes that there will be two female leads in Star Wars Rebels.
  • Continue Reading Inside ‘Star Wars Insider 146’…

‘Maul: Lockdown’ Micro Excerpt #1

November 17, 2013 at 8:18 pm | Posted in Books, Star Wars, Star Wars Books, Star Wars Insider | Leave a comment
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Del Rey has posted the first micro excerpt for Maul: Lockdown by Joe Schreiber.

Maul stared at the thing. The gray slope of its face was a surgeon’s nightmare of ritualistic scars, metal rings and studs, wire loops, and hooks, with bluish sacks pulsating beneath its eyes, all of it siphoning down and inward toward a gaping, razor-toothed mouth. Even its arms seemed to have been plucked from two different organisms. The right hand was a blunt-knuckled fist, the left an elongated spider-fingered claw. Together they formed a mallet and blade, one made for pounding, the other for slashing. It was the right that had come careening out of nowhere just seconds before, slamming Maul backward and knocking out one of his teeth.

The thing reached down and picked up Maul’s incisor from the floor of the cell. Straightening up, it shoved the tooth into an empty space in its own mouth, twisting it until it lodged in place. Then it grinned at Maul as if asking how he liked the sight of one of his teeth in its mouth—another trophy for its collection.

Maul gazed back at it.
And then the rage came.

And the rage was good.

Maul: Lockdown will be out on January 28, 2014 in hardcover, digital and audiobook formats. Fans can look forward to a prequel short story for the book in Star Wars Insider which will be titled “The Syrox Redemption.” According to Star Wars Books, “it sets the stage for one of the big bad evils in Lockdown.” The short story will feature illustrations by John Van Fleet.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

‘The Essential Guide to Warfare’ Update

January 30, 2012 at 11:57 am | Posted in Art, Star Wars Books, Star Wars News | Leave a comment
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Star Wars Books has posted two new images from The Essential Guide to Warfare on their Facebook photo album. Both of them feature the Millennium Falcon, a nod to tomorrow’s release of the Millennium Falcon Owners’ Workshop Manual. You can check them out here (by John Van Fleet) and here (by Dave Seeley). The second picture features a scene from Legacy of the Force: Fury by Aaron Allston. The scene depicts the Falcon‘s escape from Kashyyyk as it’s set ablaze by Jacen Solo.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

Two New Images for Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare

December 7, 2011 at 10:14 am | Posted in Art, Star Wars Books, Star Wars News | Leave a comment
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Star Wars Books has posted two new images to their photo album for the upcoming Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare. One of them shows off a Clone Wars era Republic weapons factory by John Van Fleet (who has done a lot of cover art for Star Wars novels) which you can check out here. The other image is also by John Van Fleet and is an Imperial recruitment poster featuring Imperial pilot Shea Hublin who appeared in the comic strip Princess Leia, Imperial Servant back in 1979.

In the comments section, Del Rey has dropped some interesting tid bit worth taking note of including a first look at “Callista Abeloth”, new ships by artists Ansel Hsiao, Ian Fullwood, Darren Tan, and John Van Fleet such as Xim’s warships, Tionnesse ships, Hutt vessels, Wookiee Owool Interceptors, and the Anakin Solo Star Destroyer. Plus a promise of Yuuzhan Vong artwork. They also confirmed a third guide to characters is in the works.

The Essential Guide to Warfare comes out May 22, 2012.

Posted By: Skuldren for Roqoo Depot.

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