Movie Review: ‘Deadpool’

February 13, 2016 at 10:55 am | Posted in Marvel, Movies, Reviews | Leave a comment

Deadpool has arrived and it did not disappoint. Quite simply, this is a violent, crude, hilarious movie about an R-rated superhero mercenary with a mouth. He’s out for revenge, love and laughs. And on top of it all, Ryan Reynolds was a perfect match for the character.

First off, it was easy to tell this movie was going to be good from the get go. The opening credits kick start the humor with lines like “Produced by Asshats” and “Directed by an overpaid tool” while showing a freeze shot of the tumbling car and carnage within complete with Deadpool giving a guy a wedgie. The humor carries through the entire movie with one liners, jokes, sight gags and funny moments. Even the credits have humor with a little cartoon Deadpool throwing in more laughs while riding on a unicorn, and yes, there’s an end credit scene so stay until the end and be rewarded with Deadpool in his bathrobe and tease about sequels. Continue Reading Movie Review: ‘Deadpool’…

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